!!!Rebel Network!!- A place for Artists and Enthusiasts. We are the Underground.

“When I started Rebel Network, I originally wanted the name to be for a band I was planning on starting, then the 2020 pandemic hit, and I knew people needed a place to let their artistic selves shine! We focus on not only art and music, but the primal human urge to push against the grain.”
[Please visit https://rebelnetwork.org/artist-spotlight/ to view our artist spotlight]
[Please visit https://rebelnetwork.org/magictraxx-art-portfolio to view my work]
I am well versed in graphic design, as a freelance graphic designer I am always open to working with others on new projects. Please Contact me at fifthelementdetroit@gmail.com
Visit https://www.etsy.com/shop/rebelnetworkstudios to visit my art store! (personal pieces)